Ottawa Prices On The Rise
Ottawa Prices On The Rise
I have been saying for a couple of years that Ottawa is set for significantly higher prices. The new Liberal government is expanding the civil service which is obviously great for the city. Very few new condo projects in central Ottawa have been launched in the last 5 years. Inevitably we will soon see a shortage of finished condominium units as the excess inventory disappears. At that point, substantial price increases will take effect. I believe this will be felt in the fall of 2017 and continue through the spring of 2018. Now is the time to buy a condo in Ottawa!
– Brad J. Lamb
Visit GothamOttawa.com and SoBaOttawa.com for information on Lamb Development Corps amazing Ottawa projects or contact 416-368-5262 or info@LambDevCorp.com to #LiveInALamb
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